The CASQ Certification demonstrates a foundation-level understanding of quality assurance principles and practices. Acquiring the designation of Certified Associate in Software Quality (CASQ) indicates a professional level of competence in the principles and practices of quality assurance in the IT profession. CASQ’s become members of an acclaimed professional group, receiving recognition of their competence by business and professional associates, and are afforded potentially more rapid career advancement.
Applicant Prerequisites: (CASQ)
To qualify for candidacy, each applicant must meet ONE of three prerequisites listed below:
1. A 3-year degree or 4 year degree from an accredited college-level institution
2. A 2-year degree from an accredited college-level institution and 1 years experience in the information services field
3. Three years experience in the information services field
An applicant for certification must adhere to the Code of Ethics that outlines the ethical behaviors expected of all certified professionals by the ISCB.
Depending upon a compliance sample selected according to program criteria, the applicant may be required to provide upon request detailed education, employment, and reference documentation supporting the information entered in the Customer Portal during the application process. If selected the applicant must supply the required documentation and those who fail to provide the requested documentation may be subject to decertification.
Examination Details / Format: (CASQ)Candidates are tested on their knowledge and practice of the skill areas defined in the CASQ CBOK. The exam itself consists of one part:
Part 1 – Multiple choice (100 questions each – objective / 75 minute time limit)
The passing mark is 70%. All exams at Pearson VUE Testing Centers are computer-based.